How Can We Help You?
We work collaboratively with our clients to provide them excellence in process
design, safety analysis, project engineering and management, and other
technical and professional services.
Process Engineering Services
Integral Engineering Group's process and chemical engineers work alongside other engineering disciplines as part of our integrated design service. Our experienced process design team consists of engineers with experience in numerous industries and fields.
How Can We Help?
We provide cost-effective process design solutions to customers in traditional and emerging markets.
Process Information Services
Process flow diagrams (PFDs)
Process chemistry
Material interaction matrices
Maximum Intended Inventories
Safe upper and lower operating limits and consequences of deviations
Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs)
Electrical Classification drawings and interpretation of codes and standards regarding area electrical classification
Relief System design and design basis, including determining relief valve sizing bases and evaluating flare header capacity, liquid knockout requirements, and flare stack design for adequacy
Ventilation System design information such as compressor building ventilation systems, including interpretation of applicable codes and standards for determining ventilation requirements
Identification of design codes and standards employed in the design of a process
Material and energy balances
Safety systems documentation, including safety system plot plans and written descriptions of safety systems (e.g., interlocks, detection, suppression, utility, and containment systems)
Process Design Services
Identification of recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP) used in the design of a process
Process simulation and stream table development
Deliverables such as PFDs, P&IDs, datasheets, design calculations, etc.
Process studies and design documentation
Line sizing and pipeline hydraulic calculations
Instrument specification
Project-specific process design basis
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) design and implementation (per IEC 61511 and ISA 84)
Alarm Management & Rationalization
Process Safety & Risk Management Services
Process Safety Information Development
PSM Program Development & Gap Analysis
Process Hazard and Risk Analysis
Operations Support Services
Regulatory basis development
Debottlenecking & capacity evaluations
Relief valve services
Utilities evaluations
Troubleshooting & process optimization
Operating procedure development
Process documentation development
Process commissioning & startup assistance
Software Used
Chemstations ChemCad